Classroom Educator Level
Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator Level: Coursework
The Classroom Educator Level course is the classroom instructional course in the OG approach.
It is intended for educators, teaching in a general education setting. The Classroom Educator practitioner is certified to provide and adapt literacy instruction for the whole class or for small groups needing supplemental support. CE is not a prerequisite for the Associate Level. It is a stand alone certification for practitioners in a general education setting. Tier 1.
My classes will provide classroom teachers hands-on opportunities to learn the structure of the English language and practice multisensory techniques for teaching reading, spelling, and handwriting for instruction in the classroom or small groups within a school setting only.
Presentations include lectures, multisensory experiences, lesson planning, and teaching demonstrations. Topics covered will prepare participants to teach students from kindergarten to primary grades, reading, writing, spelling, and comprehension.
Homework requirements include the completion of the Academy’s required readings, written summaries, lesson plans, and quizzes.
* The Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator is qualified to apply principles of the Orton-Gillingham Approach to modify and provide literacy instruction for the classroom or small groups, within a school setting only. Utilizing direct instruction, teachers bring a multisensory, structured, sequential, phonics, and linguistic approach into the classroom and small groups.
It is NOT intended for one-on-one remedial work. Reading teachers, Special Education teachers, Literacy Coaches, and tutors are eligible for the Associate Level Certification.
Instructor: Laurie D. Leason, Accredited Training Fellow of the Orton-Gillingham Academy
Dates: Academic Year or Summer: 5 days
Fees: $1,250.00
Location: Completed online live via Zoom.
Please contact me directly to inquire about other available training days and times.

Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator Level: Practicum
The Orton-Gillingham Associate Level practicum will provide my trainees with the opportunity to apply the Orton-Gillingham approach when instructing a classroom or small groups at their own school site. With this practicum, I will provide support and instruction as the classroom teacher designs and teaches 5 lessons for a total of 50 hours under my supervision. This practicum must be completed at a minimum of 8 consecutive months, during which the trainee will work with a classroom or small group. My observation includes a comprehensive review with recommendations via Zoom.
Upon the completion of their coursework, practicum hours, required readings, lesson plans, and quizzes, trainees will have met the requirements of the Orton-Gillingham Academy for certification at the Classroom Educator Level of membership.
Dates: Arranged on an individual basis
Fees: $200 per lesson
Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator Level: Application for Certification
Following the successful completion of the Classroom Educator Level Course, trainees may apply for membership at the Classroom Educator Level in the Orton-Gillingham Academy.
The requirements for admission to the Academy at the Classroom Educator Level are:
Bachelor’s degree
OG coursework totaling a minimum of 30 hours
OG-supervised practicum experience, teaching 50 hours of supervised classroom or group instruction, over a minimum period of 1 academic year
5 complete lesson observations by a Fellow
Evidence of completion of Academy-required readings
Trainees contemplating application should begin by reading the Notice to Applicant and then by proceeding to download the appropriate membership documents at
Updated Orton-Gillingham Academy Levels of Membership and Certification Comparison Chart:
Classrooom Educator Level Registration Forms
Classroom Educator Level
The Classroom Educator level is intended for educators teaching in a general education setting. The CE practitioner is certified to provide and adaptive literacy instruction for the whole class or for small groups needing supplemental support. CE is not a prerequisite for the Associate level. CE is a stand alone certification for practitioners in a general education setting.
Classroom Educator Level Coursework Fees:
- 5 Days or 35 hours: $1,250
Forms of Payment:
- Zelle
- Check
- Credit Card
- PayPal
- Venmo
- Purchase Order
- Payment Plans are available
Materials Included:
- All resources and materials for each trainee are provided electronically
- Includes slides of instruction, handouts, quizzes, lesson plans, activities, worksheets, informal assessments, charts, resources, etc.
- Graduate Credits are available
- Certificate of Completion
Continued Support:
- I provide personalized support via phone, email, or Zoom for all my trainees at no extra charge
- Private FB group provides further discussions, questions answered, and resources, shared with all my previous trainees.
- Upon completion of the coursework, trainees may audit the course again at no additional charge.
My goal is to have properly trained
teachers to assist these students.